Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Get into computers security [Hacxing]

Alright every one so you must have been to lot of forums or websites right.But did you get what you needed. Was your purpose of visit successful.

Well first of all you should know one rule read,read and read a lot to learn more.
i will not waste your time here,I will give you your first simple and shot steps to work on to start getting into the world of hacxing.

Points to Know
Network scanning
identify the devices and ip's
Get the OS information
find out OS exploits or hidden doors
learn how you can use those exploits [Important]
Learn how to erase you traces of being on to that system

Always remember Get in,Get out smoothly that's when you are called smart.

Now the above things are not so easy right.let me show you the highway but you need walk on that!!(`_`)!!
In The Bourne Ultimatum (IMDB), the CIA needs to hack the mail server of a newspaper (The Guardian UK) to read the email of a reporter they assassinated. So they turn to Nmap and its new official GUI Zenmap to hack the mail server! Nmap reports that the mail server is running SSH 3.9p1, Posfix smtpd, and a name server (presumably bind). They also make substantial use of Bash, the Bourne-again shell. Congratulations to Roger Chui for being the first to spot this. He also sent a scene transcript and the following HD screen shots.

Other movies which have used Nmap include: Matrix Reloaded, Bourne Ultimatum, 13: Game of Death, Battle Royale, The Listening, and, uhh, HaXXXor: No Longer Floppy. Screens shots of Nmap in all of these movies are available on our new Nmap movies page. Nmap has become quite the movie star!

Now It is up to you if you would like to watch movies or learn the tricks used in them.

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